Package com.lowagie.text.rtf.document.output

Interface Summary
RtfDataCache The RtfDataCache interface must be implemented by classes wishing to act as caches for the rtf document data.

Class Summary
RtfByteArrayBuffer A RtfByteArrayBuffer works much like ByteArrayOutputStream but is cheaper and faster in most cases (exception: large writes when reusing buffers).
RtfDiskCache The RtfFileCache is a RtfDataCache that uses a temporary file to store the rtf document data.
RtfEfficientMemoryCache The RtfEfficientMemoryCache is an RtfDataCache that keeps the whole rtf document data in memory.
RtfMemoryCache The RtfMemoryCache is an RtfDataCache that keeps the whole rtf document data in memory.
RtfNilOutputStream The RtfNilOutputStream is a dummy output stream that sends all bytes to the big byte bucket in the sky.

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